a ministry of Seattle's Union Gospel Mission

In the NEWS

KentHOPE spring brunch raises $17,000

KentHOPE is much more than a day center for women and children (11.29.16)

KentHOPE offers overnight shelter for women (10.26.16)

Kent Police, residents build relationships at public meeting  (6.22.2016)

Signs of Hope Fundraiser a Success  (5.19.2016)

Honored to Be Part of KentHOPE. Letter to the Editor, Kent Reporter (5.13.2016)

K-Day raises $356 for KentHOPE | SLIDESHOW  (4.28.2016)

Volunteers Collect Big Numbers for KentHOPE  (3.24.2016)

Kent City Council approves zoning change for homeless shelter   (2.17.2016)

Group plans to build Kent homeless shelter for women, children   (2.11.2016)

Homelessness Increasing in Seattle suburbs  (video)   (2.5.2016)

Number of homeless people in Kent climbs to 165   (1.29.2016)

Teen, family give back; KentHOPE receives some generosity   (1.7.2016)

Supporters Raise $69,000 for KentHOPE   (11.11.2015)

Mayor, county exec declare ‘state of emergency’ over homelessness   (11.2.2015)

City Council Approves Funds for Federal Way Day Shelter  (10.22.2015)

Election 2015 Q&A, Kent City Council candidates state their opinions about a 24/7 homeless shelter  The Kent Reporter (10-16-2015)

Kent Mayor proclaims World Homeless Day October 15, 2015.

video of Kent City Council Meeting, Oct. 6, 2015.  Click on link and fast-forward video to 19:50   (10.6.2015)

Kent East Hill Boxing Club Serves Dinner at Women and Children’s Day Center  (10-2-2015)

KentHOPE accepts $15,000 BECU People’s Choice Award,  (9-20-2015)

Order Papa John’s and Reduce Homelessness in Kent  (9.3.2015)

Federal Government:  It’s unconstitutional to ban the homeless from sleeping outside

City ordinances banning sleeping or camping in public places violate the Eighth Amendment protections against cruel and unusual punishment, making them unconstitutional, says the Department of Justice.  The federal government is warning cities to treat homelessness more humanely.�� The Washington Post (8-13-2015)

Make it safer and less onerous for homeless living in vehicles

One-third of the homeless people counted each year in King County are living in a vehicle. And there is no clear nor adequate approach in helping them.  Seattle Times Opinion. (6-7-2015)

StoryCorps Coverage of Local Homeless Families Airs on KUOW Next Week |
Starting Tuesday, May 12, KUOW will begin airing nine stories of local homeless families produced by the StoryCorps project. A collaboration between Seattle University and the Gates Foundation, StoryCorps seeks to tell the stories of families who have experienced homelessness recently or in their distant past — in their own words, as told to one another, or to a colleague or friend.

You can also listen to StoryCorps interviews which will not be aired through Firesteel’s website and through the Gates Foundation Visitor Center.  (5-12-15)


Homeless Rights Advocacy Project Releases Briefs on Laws that Disproportionately Impact Persons Experiencing Homelessness in Washington |
Seattle University’s School of Law released the first statewide analysis on laws that disproportionately impact persons experiencing homelessness. The report found that laws which emphasize a criminal justice system response to people surviving on the street are more expensive than connecting a person to services and often create future barriers to people seeking to stabilize out of homelessness. Read Seattle Weekly’s coverage of the briefs��here and listen to KUOW�������s interview with SU Law Professor Sara Rankin here. (5-12-15)


Student Leaders donate clothing to KentHOPE Day Center


7 Local Churches provide overnight shelter for KentHOPE Day Center guests (4-15-15)

$35K income in Kent: Is this the middle class?
A look at life at the bottom end of King County Executive Dow Constantine’s big middle class. (3-18-2015)

Mike Johnson, Executive Director of The Rescue Mission, Tacoma, describes why relationships are so important in helping people who are experiencing homelessness believe that their lives can change. ����(2-26-15)

Cities should use the Golden Rule when dealing with homelessness – Lead Editorial in Seattle Times (2-25-15).

Solving the homeless puzzle – Op-Ed in Seattle Times (2-20-15) by Mark Markuly, Dean of the School of Theology and Ministry at Seattle U. Seattle should look to Utah, which found it was cheaper to provide an apartment to a homeless person than pay for hospital costs, police interventions and jail, writes guest columnist Mark S. Markuly.

State ranks high in disparity of income gains since recession.  A report concludes that in Washington and and 16 other states, all the income growth from 2009 to 2012 went to the top 1 percent. (1-27-15)

Working to comfort others | 2014 Kent Reporter Persons of the Year  (1-2-15)

Sally Goodgion and Pat Gray share honor.

Sally Goodgion and Pat Gray share honor.

Annual One Night Count finds 135 homeless people in Kent, more than double the number from last year.  (1-26-15)

KentHOPE receives a Boost from King County   (12-17-14)

Advocates for Kent homeless stymied in trying to start shelter. Seattle Times, September 2014

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KentHOPE is a ministry of Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission

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